“Rocky” Movie Analysis

The movie “Rocky” was great. I thought it was a good story, and I was engaged throughout the film.  The characters that were portrayed intrigued me the most about this film. The way Rocky was always sort of edgy, punching and jabbing whenever he could. I think the way they portrayed Adrian was also different. Instead of showing the audience that she was an attractive woman we had to see her how everyone else would see her: A quiet nobody who worked at a pet shop. As the film progressed we then got to see her how Rocky viewed her: A beautiful caring woman.

Diegetic Sound: There are many examples of diegetic sound throughout the film. Examples that come to mind would first be the radio that Rocky had in his bedroom. He listens to it as he gets up early before a workout. Another examples would be the animals in the pet shop. There is one scene where Rocky is talking to Adrian but it’s basically just him talking  at her through a birdcage. Other examples would be Rocky punching the carcass of a cow, and during the fight with Apollo Creed. I would also say that the machinery that was going on in the meat factory could be considered as diegetic sound.

Non-Diegetic Sound: Examples of Non-Diegetic sound in this film would include the score of the film. Rocky is infamous for it’s theme song, and that is seen in this film as he is training for the big fight. The score is also heard as the final fight is fought. Another example would be the commentators of the fight. You constantly hear them throughout that sequence and you could consider that as a narration of some kind.

Off Screen Sound: An example of Off Screen sound would be the machines whirring while Rocky and Paulie are in the meat factory. The radio that Rocky has in his room is also playing while Rocky and Adrian are chatting in his apartment.

The theme of the film is how Rocky wants to prove that he isn’t just some other bum on the street. He has felt like a bum his whole life, that he hasn’t accomplished anything or made a difference.

This film was well received in 1975-76  because of the economic downturn of the time. Times were hard and people needed a good underdog story to cheer them up, where a nobody becomes a somebody.

A few examples of “Save the Cat” in this film include how Rocky lets a guy off the hook for a debt he owed without breaking his thumb. Another would be how he buys a few turtles and keeps the dog that are at the pet shop. And finally another save the cat thing he does is how he agrees to help out Paulie by wearing his meat factory logo at the fight.


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